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保用服務只適用於香港,不包括其他地區。如有查詢,請致電客戶服務熱線(852) 2305 2089 或電郵至info@century-carrier.com

保用條款 Warranty Policy

1. 由購買日起計算之有效保用期內,經本公司技術人員証實產品在正常使用情況下,如有任何機件損壞或發生故障,本公司將提供免費修理及零件更換服務,惟有關保用將不包括在缺乏適當保養情況下*而令產品不能正常操作或影響其效能。另外,壓縮器保用只豁免零件費,並不包括人工、加添雪種、運送及其他相關之費用。


保用期 (2023年3月22日起購買)















Our company has an option to repair the products, which our technicians confirm any damage, malfunction or manufacturing defect under normal condition, free of charge within the warranty period commencing from the date of purchase invoice. Such warranty will not cover any cases if the product cannot normally function or the functioning is affected due to lack of proper maintenance*. Also, compressor warranty covers parts fee only and does not cover labour, refrigerant refill, transportation and other related costs.


Warranty Period (Purchase on or after 22th Mar 2023)

Inverter window type air conditioner

4-year on product & 5-year on compressor

Fix speed window type air conditioner

3-year on product & 5-year on compressor

Portable air conditioner

3-year on product & 5-year on compressor


2-year on product & 5-year on compressor

Split type, Window split type, Floor standing type, Cassette type, Fan coil unit air conditioners

1-year on product & 1-year on compressor

Air curtain, Oil-filled radiator


Air purifier


2. 本保用服務並不包括:

This warranty does not cover:

a. 產品曾被不依照使用說明書指示錯誤操作或疏忽使用。

Damages due to misuse, abuse or negligence and those acts which do not conform to the specifications in the Owner’s Manual.

b. 因電壓不正常導致產品操作不靈。

Equipment malfunctions due to abnormal voltage supply or power interruption

c. 產品因意外事件、天災、戰爭或社會動盪而導致之損壞。

Damages due to an act of God, natural disaster, war or public disturbance.

d. 如非本公司直接安裝之產品,由於安裝不良引致之任何問題、損壞或損失。

Any damages or malfunctioning incurred from improper installation if the installation is not done by our company.

e. 曾經由非本公司的技術員恣意修理及改換。

Product has been repaired or altered by unauthorized technicians.

f. 因維修需要而搭建之棚架及工作平台。

Any installation of hauling facilities and service platform for overhauling/service.

g. 並非安裝在陸上固定地點的產品。

Equipment is not a fixed installation on land.

h. 產品因運輸而導致之損壞。

Damage caused by transportation.

i. 產品全面清洗(洗機)。防銹、除霉及外殼除污清理。

Overhaul cleaning of the product.Rust removal, mold cleaning and external cleaning work for the product

j. 產品因灰塵積聚而令其不能正常操作、影響其效能或產生異味而衍生之清洗工序。

Cleansing works incurred from malfunctioning or odour due to dust accumulated.

k. 購機一個月後,任何損壞之活動塑膠配件。

Damages of movable plastic parts after 1 month of purchase

l. 產品之附件(例如遙控器)、贈品及其他設備。

Accessories (such as remote control) and premiums.

3. 客戶需提供安全的工作環境予本公司的技術員工作。如工作環境未能符合我司對安全工作之要求,我司會拒絕進行有關工作。

Customer should provide a safe working environment to our technicians and our company will refuse to work if the working environment cannot meet our safety requirement.

4. 本公司無須因產品的故障或失靈而引致的任何直接或間接損失及索償承擔責任。

Our company shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss, claims, or contingent in connection with any defects, faults or failure of the product.

5. 本保用証只適用於香港。而離島及禁區客戶須支付本公司所訂立之交通附加費及接受特別運輸安排 (可能需要負責將產品送往本公司的維修服務中心,或位於市區之任何地方,並於修理完畢後於同一地點取回)

Warranty is valid for Hong Kong only. For service rendering an outlying islands or restricted area, a travelling fee will be levied. (If workshop service is required, customer is responsible for the transportation of the product to and from our repair service station, or any place in the urban area.)

6. 請妥存本保用証存根及正式購貨收據,於有需要時交予本公司查核。

Please keep this original warranty card and official purchase receipt and present to our staff for verification when needed.

7. 如機身編號曾被損壞、塗改或除去及產品曾被移位或更改安裝地址,保用即屬無效。

The warranty is invalid if the serial number of the product is damaged, altered or removed and if the address where the product is installed does not correspond with that of the registered.

8. 本公司保留對以上條例之最終解釋及決定權。

Our company reserves the right for final judgment and decision on this warranty policy upon dispute.


*Proper maintenance includes regular cleansing of air filters, check-up, repair and cleansing of internal parts by qualified technicians.

Century Carrier Residential Air-conditioning Equipment Co., Limited. 2022 All rights reserved 世紀開利 | 私隱聲明 | 免責聲明